Remember next week is the class you all have been waiting for...MSU's underground steam tunnel system tour! We will meet outside of the heating plant (across from EPS) at 4:10 on Wednesday.
We will also be voting on AdvoCat of the Year. Start thinking about which AdvoCats have stood out as a leader in our group and who has volunteered the most this year! The AdvoCat of the Year does have to be a student who returns to AdvoCats next year and they are eligible for a recruiting trip with an Admissions Representative in the fall!
Also, mark your calendars for the AdvoCat end of the Year Party on Wednesday April 29th after the final. Details for the party are still being arranged, but keep the evening open for a night of fun with fellow Advos and a slideshow of pictures from the year including the retreat. (trust me, you will want to see those!) Have a great weekend!