Tuesday, March 30, 2010

AdvoCat Museum of the Rockies Tour

Last week the AdvoCats went on a behind the scenes tour of the Museum of the Rockies. We traveled into the basement and actually held a dinosaur fossil! The Museum of the Rockies lobby was recently rennovated, and work is also being done upstairs to create a new childrens exhibit area. It was fun to go behind closed doors and see the work that was being done at MOR. Even undergraduate paleo students were working on cleaning fossils!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Largest MSU Friday EVER!

On March 12, 2010 we broke a record! Previously the largest amount of visitors on campus for our MSU Friday preview program was 740. We knew we had broken that record after the morning registration had ended, and we estimated about 890 people were on campus. The AdvoCats did a great job of leading large tours around campus, directing groups to other locations, answering questions and hosting student and parent panel discussions. It was the Friday before spring break and we needed all hands on deck for this crowd! At the end of the day with everyone accounted for we ended up with a final head count of 1,020 visitors on campus! Thanks for all of your hard work AdvoCats!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spring Semester Tour Guides

We have a ton of excellent tour guides this semeter. In fact, you can see all of the advocats by following this link, http://www.montana.edu/admissions/tourguides.shtml. The spring is when we have our biggest volume of campus visitors, so these spring tour guides keep busy with their tours and usually have a good size group to show around campus! High school seniors are visiting schools that they have been accepted to and are making their final college decisions. We also have quite a few juniors who are getting an early look at their colleges, and everyone is probably taking advantage of the skiing discounts offered to campus visitors too!

Below are some of the photos of our tour guides for the semester:

Doesn't that make you want to go on a campus tour? Keep up the great work AdvoCats!