AdvoCats is a great way to get involved and build a strong resume! Each year the Office of Admissions looks for about 50 student volunteers to be AdvoCats. It is a year long committment and students earn 2 upper division credits throughout the year in a training course. The AdvoCat Seminar focuses on tour training and developing tour information about MSU's academics and special programs available to students. AdvoCats also help with MSU Fridays (March MSU Friday hosted over 1,000 prospective students) and attending other recruitment activities on campus and even around the state.
In addition to recruitment activities, it is also a great way to connect with other MSU students. We have all kinds of fun activities throughout the year like procrastinator movie nights, sledding, dinner at President Cruzado's home and pizza @ colombos.

Pick up your 2010-2011 AdvoCat Application at Ask-Us or the Office of Admissions (SUB 201). They are due on Friday, April 16th by 5pm. When you return them, you can sign up for a group interview next week.
You can also find your application online at www.montana.edu/admissions/advoapp.pdf. We are looking forward to seeing your application!